Travel by bike through Arteixo!

Download the app and move sustainably with biciArteixo!

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The public bike sharing biciArteixo allows anyone over 18 years old to register and rent a bike to make their urban journeys. The system offers conventional bikes as well as electric bikes.


Rent & Return

Simply unlock your bikes with the nextbike by Tier app and enjoy! Close the lock and the rental will end automatically.

How it works

Flexible and sustainable

Find the rate that suits you.

Our tariffs

How it works

biciArteixo provides pedal bikes and e-bikes. The rental process as well as return regulations of both bike types are identical.


Registration is free of charge. In order to verify your account, a €1 deposit is required and will become rental credit to use later on.


Simply scan the QR Code on the bike with the nextbike app and the FrameLock will open automatically.


Do you want to park your bike during a rental? First activate the park mode in the app and then press the FrameLock lever down to lock the bike.


Return your bike at an official station and close the Framelock. The rental ends automatically.


Registration is free of charge. In order to verify your account, a €1 deposit is required and will become rental credit to use later on.


Simply scan the QR Code on the bike with the nextbike app and the FrameLock will open automatically.


Do you want to park your bike during a rental? First activate the park mode in the app and then press the FrameLock lever down to lock the bike.


Return your bike at an official station and press the FrameLock lever down to lock the bike. If you return your bike outside of an station, a service fee of at least €20 will be charged.


Registration is free of charge. In order to verify your account, a €1 deposit is required and will become rental credit to use later on.


Simply scan the QR Code on the bike with the nextbike app and the FrameLock will open automatically.


Do you want to park your bike during a rental? First activate the park mode in the app and then press the FrameLock lever down to lock the bike.


Return your bike at an official station and press the FrameLock lever down to lock the bike. If you return your bike outside of an station, a service fee of at least €20 will be charged.


Registration is free of charge. In order to verify your account, a €1 deposit is required and will become rental credit to use later on.


Simply scan the QR Code on the bike with the nextbike app and the FrameLock will open automatically.


Do you want to park your bike during a rental? First activate the park mode in the app and then press the FrameLock lever down to lock the bike.


Return your bike at an official station and press the FrameLock lever down to lock the bike. If you return your bike outside of an station, a service fee of at least €20 will be charged.

Specific obligations of the user

The user of a subscription undertakes, each time he or she uses the service, to:

  • Use the service, and especially the bicycle, with the utmost diligence.
  • Park the bicycle correctly at a station at the end of the trip, and before the closing time of the service on the same day the trip had started. Exceptionally, if the chosen station is full and there are no free hooks at that time, you will have to leave the bicycle on the side of the station without posing a risk to the integrity and/or safety of the bicycle, laborers and/or or vehicles and obligatorily secure the locking mechanism to end the rental. Additionally, the user must verify the correct completion of the operation.
  • Report and duly return the bicycle to the service, if you verify that any of its elements are not working correctly.
  • Use the bicycle appropriately and use it only for your personal transportation.
  • Assume guard and custody of the bicycle from the moment of its removal and until its correct return to service.
  • Deliver the bicycle to supervisors, authorized personnel or authorities, if they, in the exercise of their duties, require it.
  • Respect current traffic regulations.
  • Make use of the bike lane on the roads where it is established.
  • Take responsibility for the proper use of the bicycle, as well as for its loss.
  • All users of a subscription are expressly obliged to comply, when using bicycles, with the mobility ordinance of the municipality when it exists. The use of helmets is mandatory for those under 16 years of age in any case, and for those of legal age on interurban roads.
  • At the time of registration, the user declares that he or she is in perfect health to ride a bicycle and assumes responsibility in the event of suffering from a disease of the heart, eyesight or hearing, or of the circulatory, locomotor and digestive systems.
  • The user is obliged to make good use of the shared use bicycle and is responsible for all damages that may occur due to improper use of it.
  • The user is obliged to take precautions against possible damage, loss or theft. Specifically, if the bicycle has an electronic lock or any immobilization system, it must be used whenever the bicycle is parked during a trip. In the case of a parking lot that had been at a station, the bicycle must be left in a place that is not explicitly prohibited in the corresponding municipal ordinance. However, the user will not be exempt from the custody of the bicycle.

Express user prohibitions

The following behaviors are expressly prohibited for subscription users:

  • Use the service if you are under 14 years of age.
  • Using the bicycle outside the territorial scope of the Arteixo City Council.
  • Using the bicycle on unpaved areas or roads, or on terrain that is not suitable for circulation.
  • Riding your bicycle on a bus lane, unless expressly authorized.
  • Put the bicycle on any other means of transportation.
  • The partial or total disassembly and/or manipulation of the bicycle, the stations or the elements that compose them.
  • The use of bicycles or stations for commercial purposes.
  • The graffiti of slogans, drawings or similar on the bicycle.
  • Circulate on a single wheel, follow other moving vehicles or use headphones connected to receivers or music players.
  • Use your cell phone while using the bicycle.
  • Transport other people, animals or bulky objects.
  • Abandon or give up the bicycle during a trip, except in cases of force majeure. In which case, the bikeArteixo must be informed in the shortest possible time, not exceeding 30 minutes from the event that produced the cause of force majeure. If the service has to remove a shared-use bicycle abandoned on public roads during a trip, the user will be responsible for the costs and penalties that arise.

Our tariffs

biciArteixo has the perfect and simple solution for you. Choose between the daily, monthly and annual subscription.


Daily Subscription

5 € / 24 h

The first 2 hours per rental are included.

Each started hour beyond the 2 included hours costs:

3 € for a pedal bike
5 € for an ebike

The subscription does not prolong automatically.


Monthly Subscription

10 €/ month

The first 2 hours per rental are included.

Each started hour beyond the 2 included hours costs:

2,50 € for a pedal bike
4,50 € for an ebike

The subscription does not prolong automatically.


Annual Subscription

35 €/ 365 days

The first 2 hours per rental are included.

Each started hour beyond the 2 included hours costs:

2 € for a pedal bike
4 € for an ebike

The subscription prolongs automatically.

Discover Arteixo by bike

Muscle strength or electric asstistance?

Choose between normal and electric bikes.

Hey Arteixo

From biciArteixo we inform that, as of 01/08/2024, the rental times will change. Instead of being 2 hours per rental, it will be 2 hours per day, which can be used on one or more trips. We apologize for the inconvenience.